Haircut using the technology of

Calligraphy Cut

The essence of the unique premium technique using calligraphy cut ® is cutting hair strand by strand, with precise cuts at a unique predetermined angle.
The blade is positioned at an angle of 21 ° (degree), so the hair is cut diagonally. This somewhat resembles the technique of cutting fresh flowers, which allows them to preserve their beauty for a long time.
The hair is not damaged, but rather, on the contrary, it becomes stronger and healthier. Most women dream of having their hairstyle more voluminous, and thanks to the skillful use of the technology of calligraphy cut ® , this can become a reality.
Calligraphy Cut
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The blade in the calligrapher is set in such a way that the hair is always cut at an angle of 21'. Therefore, with such a haircut, the expected result is guaranteed
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Barber machine
The angle at which the blade is cut is not predetermined, and therefore varies greatly. An ideal cut-off angle of 21' cannot be permanently secured. Consequently, the hair will be injured
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Shearing with scissors occurs by pressing two blades on the hair. This is comparable to a blow that leads to compression and injury of the hair.
Calligraphy Cut
  • Healthy hair
  • More softness
  • Saving styling for the whole day
  • More volume
  • More softness
  • Variation of styling
  • More shine
  • Preservation of natural fullness of hair
  • More movement


Office: 197110, St. Petersburg, ryukhina street, 12
Phone: +7 812 3476767 Mon-Fr 10-30 at 18-30 
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